Thursday 25 February 2016


Waking up, I glance over at my green alarm clock, and see its 7:56. I am late for my dance class. Rushing out the door I forgot my ballet shoes! Luckily my mom had it and was in the car, she went passed the Shell gas station, likely her rapid gas tank was empty. There were Speed Boats cruising to her high school of dancing ,sadly she was too late for the Speed Boats, they disappeared, so she only had one choice because this is her big opportunity and she would not lose it, I went swimming and she swam all the way to the high school of dancing. Unfortunately, I am late and on top of that my dancing costume was very 
wet and sandy.

Wednesday 17 February 2016


                                                                      The Circus

Excitement rushed through my body as I approached the circus tent. The door opened and there it was, a seat right in the front.I was decisive to get that good seat and to my surprise I did. The show started! Acrobats starting doing one thing on one side of the stage, magicians on the other. People start to whistle and cheer, until a creepy looking clown appeared, everything went dead silent. He looked foolish,  big deep wrinkles around his pale eyes, mouth, and checks, a petrifying bright red painted smile, clothes tattered and a dull frizzy wig. The MC kicked him off stage and finished the show. After that, I went backstage saw and heard the creepy looking clown laughing, his evil clown laugh. Ever since then I've been terrified of clowns.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

100 WC Week#6


As Sarah gets up to stretch, she realizes she is no longer in her room but in a cave filled with dangerous looking monsters. She looked around for an opening but there wasn't  a strand of light to be seen. With freedom in her mind she finds light,all the way the other side of the enormous cave. Slowly, slowly she starts to make her way to the door. But then she was shocked to see, one of the gigantic monsters waking up. She runs for her live and is free from the giant beasts. Sarah woke up sweating and panting thank god it had only been a dream.