Thursday, 21 January 2016

100WC Week#3

                                                                The Forgotten.
Seeing the pouring rain I think to myself," I should've brought my red umbrella. Everywhere I would take a step I would  see puddles with leaves and twigs floated in them, trying not to splash in the puddles I kept trudging forward.  At the end it was very hard but I made it through and treated myself with some delicious fries and drink. But then I realized that I forgot....I forgot my backpack! Stunned and shocked I just went down miserably, going through the torture all again. 

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

100 WC Week#2

Individual Picture

To be honest with you I have never had a good school picture, and this year wasn't different. As I joined the queue, I had felt the urge to sneeze but it went away. We parted into different lines and I get a lazy photographer, great! There is only one person ahead of me and they are going up now. After what seemed like an eternity, it's my turn.
 I sit down and the photographer says, "Say cheese!"
 Right before I say cheese, I let a big sneeze and the photographer got my sneeze face. Of course, the photographer didn't let me do a re-take.

Friday, 8 January 2016

100 Word Challenge Week #1

    Cupcake Climbers

Climbing up the huge cupcake wrapper seemes  impossible, but it’s worth $100,000. Grabbing onto the  wrapper, my hands slip and I fall and in my next attempt to grab the next piece of the wrapper. I have to start all over again. This time, I focus and do it! With aggression in my grip I get up really fast. Using a small fork and I cut off 1m off a  cinnamon stick. Surprisingly  it was really easy. Rushing, I sit on the piece of cinnamon and fly down the cupcake. I reach the bottom first and won the $100,000!